I finally took the time away from practicing scales on my guitar to analyze the congressional circus presented the other day, as the State of the Union. From the start, all I saw was a senile old man yelling like a senile old mam, from a script fed to him by TelePrompter with voices yelling in his ear piece to keep him on script. You can tell a person has an ear piece when their face goes into that state as if someone is whispering in your ear from behind. George W. Bush, a person who is clearly mentally retarded had the same problem as Biden but also had an ear piece to keep him on track.
The other thing that was very noticeable was the fanatical and totally unhinged cheers coming from the Democrats. Cheers that revealed that the Democrats are nervous and insecure in their seats literally and figuratively, not being able to stay in their seats constantly jumping up to cheer Biden, as a revolution of independents running for office at every level is forming in America. In 2015, of those registered to vote, 56% were registered as independents. This prompted the Democrats to get Bernie Sanders to run as a Democrat to stop the bleeding of the progressive left out of the Democratic party. I pointed this out in my article, The Bernie Sanders Scam, the week Sanders threw his hat in the ring, in 2015. I campaigned for Bernie to win anyway, as his loss would set the progressive left agenda back decades. Better to bring all in and defeat Hillary Clinton in the primary. The establishment had to steal the Democratic presidential nomination in broad day light, proving Sanders was the actual winner to the public.
The Sander's campaign, in the end, caused Clinton to lose the 2016 presidential race against Donald Trump because the people that had their vote stolen in the Democratic primary in the winter and spring of 2016, didn't show up at the polls for Hillary Clinton in the fall, handing the presidency to Trump who only drew 23% himself, of the voting age public to the polls. A completely disastrous outcome except for the fact that Hillary Clinton had a slightly worse turnout of voters. This was my intent the whole time I was campaigning for Sanders, to defeat the establishment at it's own game, forcing the corrupt in both establishment parties to expose themselves further attempting to hold on to power they are absolutely not entitled to.
The Republicans are quite happy to let Biden's war in the Ukraine fall apart as they play faux peace makers, ramping up their criminal minds to continue robbing the treasury fighting China. The Republicans displayed their own nervousness sitting stoically in their seats. You would think someone would heckle Biden, just a little bit. Not a peep until Biden started goading them into partizan rapture like all the Republicans “Left Behind“ supporters are easily goaded. No, this congress, the most hated congress we've seen, ever, is terrified of the election in the fall because neither party has enough bribe money to hand out to elections supervisors and their staff to turn a blind eye to the rigging of the electronic Jim Crowed and privatized, corporate controlled ballot boxes. Another election like 2020 or 2000 is not possible at this moment and that terrifies the entire establishment.
Biden bringing up January 6th. was of course an attempt to get ahead of the unravelling false flag that Jan 6th was but it also revealed Democrat’s terror at the official Jan 6th narrative unravelling. Every crescendo, and I'm being generous, that Biden had any crescendos at all, just yelling and not yelling, revealed one insecurity terrorizing Democrats, after another, just in the way Democrats responded to Biden's words. Biden, going straight to the lost war in the Ukraine to shame the Republican's shell game with the budget, as Republicans temporarily take advantage of public opinion against sending more aid to the Ukraine, was a frightening display of terror Biden and the Democrats feel at the world closing in on them, for all their failures, from Covid to the Ukraine and to Gaza.
On the streets of the world Biden is being called “Genocide Joe!” A tag that will travel with Biden to his grave and destroy whatever legacy that Biden, would just make up out of thin air, anyway. His family won't be able to show their faces in public without being yelled at themselves. The words Biden spoke were the least interesting part of the speech, the terror Democrats and Republicans feel as the majority of Americans reject everything Democrats and Republicans say, was.