Why did the Trilateral Commission, the IMF and World Bank all decide not to launch their digital currency in the late 1970s, opting for just scanning products at grocery stores, shipping, satisfying themselves with building the SWIFT system for electronic payments? Because they didn't have Wi-Fi and cell towers. They had lasers as they do now, in check outs in stores but in order to scan the barcode David Rockefeller proposed tattooing on your forehead, invisibly, so banks could know your credit rating when you walked through their front door, they only had lasers and lasers are visible and intimidating. It was also the fact that their plans were exposed by Holly Sklar when she wrote the book Trilateralism in the late 1970s.
The rollout of the laser checkouts was slow as lasers give off radiation right at the same level as your reproductive organs but with time and a lack of public vigilance everyone is getting a dose of radiation at the self checkout machine today. The American oligarchs simply waited until they had past Media Consolidation in the 1990s and completely took over the media, creating the system of censorship by omission. If you don't report the story it doesn't exist but as the internet was becoming a reality indymedia.org appeared out of the journalist collective in the WTO protests in 1999 in Seattle Washington. That's when the corporate media went to the old playbook of planting stories and slanting the editorial content of every every media outlet so as not to raise eyebrows completely amongst the civil society groups. With the success of Indymedia.org worldwide the FBI was set upon Indymedia.org, hard drives everywhere we're confiscated in FBI raids using George W Bush's new terrorism infrastructure now being pointed at Americans. I still can't find all of my articles that I wrote over the last 20 years thanks to the destruction by the federal government of the United States of the Indymedia.org system.
With the job of almost complete control of the media accomplished they were able to get a Black president to murder Africans for the George W Bush agenda. This is how powerful the corporate control, the military control of the media and the messaging has become and the white American oligarchy loves to create Black on Black crime like they did with the drug war. This is exactly why it was so easy to convince everyone of the terror of covid-19 when there really wasn't any terror at all. This is how they got everyone at the legislative level to march in lockstep with violating their own constitutions, lying to the public about the number of those that died of covid by fudging the numbers of those that died with covid as opposed to those that died of covid. Lumping those that died with covid in with those that died of covid inflating the numbers and therefore committing fraud. Medical fraud is a serious charge and that fraud in attempting to impose a digital architecture on aspects of our lives in which we give up all privacy, is fascism. And I don't doubt there was a great deal of arm twisting of officials by corporate private contractors or mercenaries as we used to call them to get the ramp built to a global digital infrastructure.
The problem with the boss’s logic in imposing a digital infrastructure on all of society with a digital only currency is that it doesn't take into the account human behavior. Humans relish their privacy and when they are starting a business based on profound intellectual properties that must be kept secret in their development, humans will revert to unsanctioned methods of keeping their s*** secret. Most human beings do not like the invasion of privacy but will accept some of it until they become subject of being edited out of the digital infrastructure as punishment for what the digital infrastructure determines is antisocial behavior such as attending a protest against the digital infrastructure.
The reason the digital infrastructure and digital currency will fail is simply that cash is King. Cash is privacy, cash is financial freedom. People will revert to precious metals, jewels and property swaps as workarounds to the data hungry digital infrastructure that captures all your data that you transmit from your phone and your computer at home and work. The CIA perfected digital spying in order to steal intellectual property, intangible or patented from small business before they can become big business and competitors to the corporate oligarchy. The CIA has always been there for the fossil fuel industry. As America ran out of light sweet crude to sell the world it set its sights on taking control of foreign oil with false flagged armed invasions and political subterfuge run directly by the CIA. This launched the petrodollar when Nixon took America off the gold standard and put the dollar on the oil standard. Today however we're up against inflation born paper billionaires who have used deregulation of the financial sector in the United States to launch their fascist digital infrastructure.
What the digital infrastructure represents is what I like to call absolute accounting. Governments and corporations as well as the military will know exactly how much money you make and how much taxes you must pay. They will know what you spend your money on and they will know exactly where you are located at any given time as long as you're carrying your digital device which they haven't already planted in your head. Absolute accounting means the IRS whom Americans pay their taxes to voluntarily according to the Constitution of the United States can simply take your money claiming you owed more. They will also be able to impose fines for jaywalking and fines for being at a protest that didn't have a permit. Absolute accounting means exactly what it sounds like as long as you are in the digital infrastructure you will have no privacy to work on ideas, inventions and other intellectual properties tangible and intangible without being spied upon based on keywords and phrases your digital device sends to your digital master.
I read Holly Sklar's book Trilateralism in the early eighties and have been tracking the digital enterprise ever since. My father was deeply involved in developing much of the digital infrastructure prior to 1980 as he was involved in top secret cold War projects through Atomic Energy of Canada and before that through an electronic instruments company that was a NORAD cover for his highest of all security ratings work. The one thing he told me as I was playing chess against one of his computers at the Whiteshell nuclear research facility is that anything digital can be hacked. He even told me about technology the Russians were developing where they could simply transmit through the air their hack into any electronic device. This is where Wi-Fi came from. Wi-Fi simply amounts to a military corporate coup in order to spy on everyone. This is what they actually mean by pre crime. Gathering intelligence not through clairvoyance but absolute spying on every detail of everyone's life.
Wi-Fi has made the digital infrastructure and a digital only currency a possibility in the simple minds of the ruling class. Who are not geniuses but unfortunately money has a way of fooling people into thinking they are geniuses and having extra judicial rights over the lives of their employees or potential employees. The investor class and their corporate and military minions are infantilizing digital technology into a base animal to maintain wealthy elite income streams while at the same time taking away the constitutional rights of every person on the planet. This cannot stand and because of human behavior, it will not stand as humans will simply revert to gold, other precious metals and jewels. The wealthy will become targets of thieves who will steal their gold and jewels to fuel a black market economy. On top of that I have no doubt that revolutionary guerrilla armies will be formed everywhere to sabotage the digital infrastructure. The possibility of interrupted commerce has stalled the digital infrastructure in the past with corporate leaders who felt the system was too vulnerable to disturbance and therefore to cash flow. Well, if you thought rolling out the barcode system was difficult to get to, the digital infrastructure they're trying to impose on us today, well, I wish the digital infrastructure mavens good luck attempting to put up their digital infrastructure and maintaining it without serious interruptions to many business’s cash flow.
In the 1970s my father and I game theoried the driverless car and we realized very quickly that it was impossible (especially at 75 miles an hour) to account for all the variables that can come into play. Da said the computing power that would be needed we are a thousand years away from. This is the problem with the digital infrastructure today, is that there are far too many variables that can come into play that can cause disruptions in cash flow of the businesses and workers everywhere as a result of a vulnerable digital system.
Today, Russia has developed it's broadcast hack of any electronic device. In fact Russia turned off a US destroyer in the Black Sea with an unarmed SU-27 fighter jet that flew over the destroyer 12 times before setting it free from the electronic nightmare it dropped on the destroyer. Simply put all electronic devices and software are vulnerable and therefore we must have a diverse package of currencies from gold to paper to ensure cash flow in case of emergencies.Â
The idea of a digital only currency system can only be described as the work of someone that grew up in absolute privilege and who didn't like thinking that they didn't get all the marbles they were entitled to. This is what I mean by infantilizing the digital infrastructure. It is simple minded thinking, sheltered thinking. They have pulled down the internet to just being a crass profit center for corporations from the high intellectual value it had when it started. It was inevitable with the deregulation of the financial markets in the US that paper billionaires would flourish and oligarchic fascism would appear and now that it has, it wants to run our lives at the touch of their digital infrastructure device. Great Mother help them if they have to actually meet any of the slaves.
Currency monopolies have never survived without competitors and the digital currency system they are planning will not survive at all for the simple fact that is outside normal human behavior that has never changed regardless of how much propaganda people have been fed. People are the same today as they were 20,000 years ago. Human behavior has not changed one iota. You might think you have the public lined up in your cues but under their breath they're cursing you for your ridiculous ideas of total control. When you're wealthy sitting around with other wealthy people like John d Rockefeller did with JP Morgan, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison etc. It is easy to manipulate a minority amongst the public into incentive streams or World War I or World War II but that's not changing human behavior. It's just a survival tactic of the working class. Cash will always be king and the working class will always resent and distrust the ruling class until the class war is finally won by the working class.
I prefer to see all my fellow human beings as equals which to me means food, shelter and love for everyone. Sure people come with baggage and differing opinions but that doesn't give anybody else the right to limit anybody else from the pursuit of happiness and this is exactly what the lazy oligarchs are up to. Absolute control will never be achieved as we will always rebel.