Electronic Jim Crow Ballot Boxes! Electronic Jim Crow Currency! Electronic Jim Crow Police State!
The American oligarchy are building an Electronic Jim Crow fascist regime and an Electronic Jim Crow dystopia state!
The first time I saw the Electronic Jim Crow vote counting machines was ironically, in the Toronto municipal election in 1988 as I had pulled poll observer duty with the NDP, a political party that was left of centre but of course, not anymore. After migrating to the US I discovered that these vote counting machines were spreading, state by state and were actually created and patented in the US before arriving in Canada.
In the 1988 US presidential election, a major break occurred in the well established multi-generational pattern of punishing political parties at the ballot box when they break the law while in office. Though Gerald Ford became president through Nixon's resignation over criminal behaviour, he was not re-elected and in fact a very progressive congress came in with President Carter. Hoover was punished for doing nothing about the 1929 housing market crash that brought down the stock market. The shanty towns created by the housing crash were named Hooverville. Hoover violently cleared the Mall in Washington of WWI veterans demanding the war bonus they were promised immediately after the war. This resulted in Hoover and the republicans being defeated with Roosevelt launching the New Deal, legalizing the sale of alcohol and creating the social security system. As the American public began to realize what had been done to Japan with American nuclear weapons, the voters punished the Democrat's candidate Adlai Stevenson and brought in the man that argued against dropping the bomb on Japan, who argued for a public demonstration of the bomb's might instead, General Dwight Eisenhower. Who's party was then punished for doing nothing about the FBI ginned up “Red Scare” in the 1950s and out of control military spending. This brought in President John F. Kennedy who was killed for negotiating with the Soviets which would effect military spending.
The assassinations of the 1960s was a huge boon for the American oligarchy as participation in elections began to drop below the 50% mark, making elections far more vulnerable to theft.
However, in 1988, the election of President Herbert Walker Bush as president of the United States didn't make any sense whatsoever. The Reagan administration had been caught committing a far more serious series of crimes than the Nixon administration in the Reagan Iran/Contra criminal enterprise, which was completely manged out of the former CIA director's Vice Presidential office, of Herbert Walker Bush. The only logical reasoning behind Bush's election as president in 1988, is election theft and that's when the corporate electronic control of the ballot box began to spread.
The reason I point this out, is that before electronic Jim Crow voting and vote counting machines, only the press, owned by the American oligarchy, could rig elections nation wide by simply not reporting the truth and enlisting the ballot box stuffers whose economic interests aligned like the KKK, who provided Black prison labour to corporations in mining and forestry etc.. The propaganda the corporate press produced from the likes of William Randolph Hearst, who at one point owned 50% of America's newspapers, to support the American oligarchy's corporate control of the US government, made corrupt outcomes of corporate oligarchy stolen elections make sense. But when the oligarchy gets caught as a result of the free speech part of their democratic constitution, the American public over ride the oligarchy and punish the incumbents. This is the American pattern of voting.
It was when the America middle class gained more power in the 1960s than made the bosses comfortable, that the Rockefeller dominated America oligarchy through David Rockefeller, chairman of the Trilateral Commission, the top of the American economic pyramid, came up with the electronic bar code system giving each product a unique and individual bar code that could be scanned by a laser. That part was an easy sell to the corporate sector but what was the hard part to sell and was eventually abandoned was the part where every person in America and the world would be tattooed with a unique and individual bar code invisibly printed on every person's forehead so that stores and banks could scan you for your credit rating and track an individual's purchases. The unsellable part wasn't the principle of the idea but rather the fact that shooting lasers at people's foreheads would cause damage to consumer's eyesight but yet that was not the worrisome part either. It's the when the lasers hit the eyes of store customers as they enter the store, the eyes can see the lasers causing the customer to become disorientated and frightened ruining the customers enthusiasm for shopping. Now they have the public irradiating themselves checking out at self checkout bots. That was the other problem, the lasers in the product scanning devices immit radiation. It took over 15 years to gain complete acceptence of the scanners in stores everywhere.
Enter the WiFi age. David Rockefeller's royal lineage went to David Rockefeller Jr. who is leading his family's eugenicist philosophy into the twentieth first century by tracking every person electronically with WiFi and must have electronic devices such as the “Smart Phones.” Smart only in that these devices are all compromised by corporations and governments. With WiFi, the bosses can corral the and coerce the public exactly as they did during covid, into a medical procedure, a practice prohibited by law. If you didn't comply you were shunned and prevented from working for a living. A practice prohibited by law. Total violations of free speech committed at the push of a corporate button. Lies told to the public at every turn through the consolidated corporate media, with health officials bold face lying to the public every day but yet the worst is yet to come.
Digital currency, the ultimate tracking system is the next goal. In the US, FedNow has been created to usher in digital currency as though it were as benign as a washing machine in a 1950s tv commercial. When it's the work of criminal legacy wealth, American and European oligarchs attempting to save their own dominance of a global reserve currency and to crush domestic decent. Only fascism can cover up the American oligarchy's crimes now and that is what they have chosen. To impose total fascism on the public.
With electronic Jim Crow voting and vote counting machines spreading outside of US borders like here in Canada, which has seen a great deal of election interference from the US over the decades, the western oligarchy is building this fascist regime now and as soon as they move to internet voting which they are experimenting with now, it's the end of democracy. With digital currency they can track and destroy effective civil society leaders, ending democratic debate. Your device will tell you what to do in every situation, ending democratic thought.
Joe Biden and the American oligarchy are the greatest threat to democracy in the world, not Russia.