Republicans Are Nazis & Democrats Are Their Enablers.
Both Republicans and Democrats have funded, in the open, Nazis in the Ukraine, for 80 years!
After decades of experience, working American politics within the Democratic Party, I can say to you factually, that Republicans are Nazis and Democrats are the Republican’s apologists and enablers. Until you swallow that pill, you can't have a rational conversation about US politics. Because I swallowed the pill long ago, before I even migrated to the US, I have worked my own political agenda in American politics. So, when I see entire sections of a modern American city burned to the ground and then watch it repeated for days, growing into weeks, I see Nazis burning their Sodom and Gomorra for their banker bosses. Who understand the present metrics of the property loan market weaknesses, right after corporate insurers cancelled policies in the big American city, timed with long forecast high winds, right before the housing market crashes but immediately after the commercial real estate market collapses, killing banks, signalling a coming housing crash and a deep economic recession and there is no water. Because corporations control California’s water supply. I don’t see wild fires, I see corporate fascism stealing the American public’s property, in a literal fire sale.
It it my position that the Rockefeller banker cabal are behind the arson in Los Angeles and that California Democrats are actively burying the story, as arsonists keep getting caught. It is my position that Trump is the long awaited goal of the corporate and military fascists, that have been stealing presidential elections for nearly the whole time the US has existed. That goal is to institute and maintain fascism of the wealthiest and most murderous, pretending that it came about democratically.
Russian Federation President, Vladimir Putin claiming election 2000 was stolen from Trump, is actually accurate but not for the reasons Trump and his Republican Nazis claim. The very same bosses that just installed Trump in the White House were the same ones, that put Biden in the White House in 2020. This is how it has always been and every time the public attempt to enforce democratic rules in America, the bosses exhaust themselves to reenforce oligarchic rule, with a window dressing of democracy, by spending small fortunes destroying the lives of those leading democratic pushes, in the US. Or at least remove their names from all corporate media outlets except to slander them like the Democrats dutifully did to Nader. Putin knows that all US elections aren’t real as there is a long Russian diplomatic record of presidents being prevented from negotiating nuclear arms reductions from Eisenhower to Trump and in fact, Trump removed the US from the Intermediate Range Missile Treaty.
President Dwight Eisenhower received a phone call from the newly minted, Communist Party elected, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, in 1953, after the former Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin died. Khrushchev proposed nuclear arms reduction talks verbally to Eisenhower, that Dwight responded to with great enthusiasm and told Khrushchev that he, the US president, needed a couple of days to confirm that the White House and Congress would embrace an end to the Cold War. Eisenhower responded to Khrushchev’s proposal for arms reduction talks a few days later, not with a phone call but with a back channel memo, far out side the view of the press, declining to join such talks. It has been my position since I read the declassified docs on Khrushchev’s and Eisenhower’s 1953 phone call, that the Dulles brothers simply threatened Eisenhower’s life, to stop US and Soviet talks and that Eisenhower’s “Beware of the military industrial complex” speech was his way of hitting back at being muzzled by subservient bureaucrats he appointed and the Rockefeller oligarchy that really runs the US government.
If Eisenhower had gone ahead with arms reduction talks, with the Soviets, Eisenhower would have been the one assassinated by the Pentagon and not President John F. Kennedy. Kennedy wasn’t assassinated CIA and certainly not over the Bay of Pigs or the Mafia losing their Cuban casinos or by Russia. Who played a ruse, of missiles in Cuba, to scare the American public with a possible nuclear confrontation, to get American leaders to the negotiating table. Always intending to back down from JFK’s Cuban naval blockade. Kennedy was assassinated by the Pentagon for starting talks with Khrushchev but Oliver Stone dutifully distracted the public into thinking the CIA did it. When the CIA didn’t have sharp shooters in their ranks, never hired out of the military and don’t set up military style ambushes. JFK Jr. Is also in on the scam to deflect from the real killers over at the Pentagon, behind his father’s and uncle’s assassination. Yes, Senator Ted Kennedy was assassinated too. The reason the bosses want you to think the CIA killed the Kennedys, is simply, to protect the biggest cash cow in America, the Pentagon budget. There, in lies American fascism, in the US defence budget. Blaming the CIA is how the Pentagon blackholes all blame that falls at it’s own feet.
The bosses spent a very large fortune winning media consolidation, creating a corporate fascist, CIA compliant media, from Democrats and President Bill Clinton. So they could cancel people like Ralph Nader. Nader’s Raiders established the Clean Water Act as law and the 7% Feed Stock Tax on toxic materials used in manufacturing that were dumped in toxic waste sites, allowing for the clean up of those toxic waste sites. But the big one was making corporate and military liability, for poisoning of America, disappear after Rachel Carson, David Zwick and Ralph Nader exposed it. Toxic pollution as a cause of cancer was to be erased and replaced with “Viruses cause cancer” along with, pretending an opportunistic virus taking advantage of the weakened, cancerous body is the cause of cervical cancer in women and further pretends the HPV vaccine will prevent that cancer. All sold to you from so far outside what is known about the toxic chemical cause of cancer and of course based on shoddy science, that one can only assume this is a cover for real cause being, corporate and military toxic pollution.
In 2002, US Vice President, Dick Cheney, literally won completely illegal exemptions from the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts, from Congressional Democrats, allowing the wholesale toxic pollution of the ground water and air around fracking sites, down wind and down stream. Cheney of course, offered democrats whopping sweet heart deals in the fracking boom, to get the pollution exemptions and it shows that the corporate fascists are working from psychotic plans but plans and that it isn’t random opportunism. Because the Democrats were so heavily invested in fracking, they have been running interference against environmentalists and locals til this day. Even after movies were made about the scandal. And of course, Democrats obediently blamed Ralph Nader for Al Gore losing the election in 2000, beginning the total erasing of Ralph Nader and the ethics Nader represented, from all corporate media outlets. This fate was exacted on all environmental news. Since then, all corporate liability for pollution is blamed on the consumer’s eating habits, life styles and climate change.
I can tell you exactly where all the cervical and prostate cancer came from. Because the pulp and paper industry used chlorine to bleach wood fibre before it is rolled up into paper, a chemical reaction occurred that produced whopping amounts of dioxin, the second most toxic substance known to man, next to plutonium. This goes for cotton fibres as well. So, with all the tampons, sanitary napkins and toilet paper everyone put in proximity of their genitals and anal passage, we were contaminating ourselves with dioxin, everyday. Because of the discovery that the dioxin chain in sanitary products was producing huge numbers of sick customers, the paper bosses quickly switched to hydrogen peroxide for bleaching paper, citing the harm dioxin was doing to wild life. Like the Great Blue Heron, here in BC where probably more paper has been manufactured than anywhere else in the world. But of course, with the bosses totally ignoring the human health effects caused by dioxin, sweeping their corporate liability under the carpet like a ten year old boy that just broke a crystal decanter, trying to sip daddy’s whisky.
All you have to do is look at how Fukushima fallout and the resultant excess deaths produced from it, immediately after, were wiped from all corporate news out lets as the nuclear reactors in Fukushima are American. If they were Japanese the corporate fascists in America would see the fallout as an attack on America and then use that excuse to put very profitable screws to Japan, Like the US has been doing to Japan since 1853 when 50 US war ships entered Yokohama harbour, bristling with US soldiers and without the permission or knowledge of the American public. Threatening the Japanese emperor with mass genocide unless Japan finally opened up to western trade. Everyone thinks Japan was America’s enemy during WWII when that couldn’t be further from the truth. Japan, like Germany, was America’s proxy to destroy Chinese Communism and to prepare Asia for American colonialism. Emperor Hirohito was personally involved in setting up a massive bioweapons lab in China during the 1930’s, Japanese occupation of China. Conducting savage experiments on Chinese citizens that were then repeated by the Nazis on the Jews and Slavs. My wife’s grandfather was also directly involved in running things for Japan in China then but like the emperor of Japan, did not get charged with crimes against humanity. Despite all the evidence being captured by the Russians who liberated Manchuria. Emperor Hirohito and Ambassador Miyazacki went onto live prosperous lives, like the Nazis, including Hitler himself, that the US and the Catholic Church snuck out of Europe after WWII and into America’s manifest destiny backyard, South and Central America. Deployed there to do America’s dirty work. The Butcher of Lyon, Nazi SS officer, Claus barbie was captured when Reagan forced the Israeli Mossad and Claus Barbie to train the Contra’s at the same time and in the same training camp in Honduras. France was pissed but tried Barbie for his crimes, not exposing the Americans hand in employing Barbie. It was Barbie that set up the entire cocaine supply system in South and Central America for the CIA putting the US government in control of the entire cocaine supply to America. Barbie created the Columbian cartel for the CIA.
All the anti-cartel propaganda you see in Land Man to Sicario to No Country For Old Men, is all bullshit and all the actors that acted in anti-drug cartel propaganda, pumped out of Hollywood, are all racist scumbags for putting America’s drug and economic, self created problems on Latinos. There is no Drug Cartel or Human Trafficking Emergency at the southern US border. Nor is there one at the Canadian border. Trump has simply re-classified CIA drug smuggling as a working class criminal enterprise and poor immigrants paying “Coyotes” or guilds to cross the border, to find honest work in America, as human trafficking. The corporate new speak mills, have been busy.
It must be stated that because of Trump and the Republicans stealing the 2024 election, not from Democrats as Democrats enabled Trump’s election by stealing the Democratic primary from Americans backing Senator Bernie Sanders’ platform, ignoring the corporate theft of two democratic presidential primaries from the American people by the Nazis, that have infiltrated the Democratic Party. It must be stated that America has never been a democracy.
It’s time however, the American public created one, to avoid the total isolation, the American Nazis are creating with their drawing up the draw bridge to prosperity, at the American border, in American cities and suburbs. Using the corporate created and maintained deep economic scarcity in all markets to prevent prices from settling down to real world metrics, instead of, the sky is the limit, profiteering. That’s all fascism is, petty profiteering. It isn’t some all knowing boogey man, you should be afraid of. It literally is, rich old men standing behind the thin veil of democracy, pulling the levers of corporate fascism, greasing the rails of your slow but sure slide into poverty. You have a democratic constitution America, use it and topple this fascist take over, against a leftist majority. The world would celebrate if Americans toppled the America corporate/military fascist state, even if the American public used violence to do it.
What I want to know, is how many times did Elon Musk practice his Ass Berger’s Nazi salute in front of his 5 star hotel suite mirror, in Trump’s Hotel, in Washington.
Thank you. I keep getting more insights in your articles.