Updated! "There Is An Arsonist here in LA." - Henry Winkler.
Maui, Jasper & Now LA! A criminal MO is surfacing with the LA fires.
It would not be a stretch, to begin to suspect arson was used to level Lahaina, Jasper and L.A., at this point. An arsonist or in this case a team of ideological driven psychopaths, using weather reports of high winds coming into a community, as their cue to mobilize into action, could have easily pulled off this terrible event in L.A.. All three events could not have happened without high winds and the odds that these events would keep happening instead of having municipal leaders redouble their efforts to protect the public and their homes, are basically impossible odds.
I’ve lived in L.A and have always studied municipal organization in whatever city I live. Even getting involved in politics to reenforce the functionality of the civil society and it’s mechanical works. I have even built city infrastructure, at a supervisory and carpenter level. I can tell you right now, considering California’s history with urban fires causing mass casualties, like the San Francisco fire, Los Angeles was completely prepared for this very event. High Santa Ana winds blasting Southern California are nothing new nor the intensity of the latest blast. L.A. was prepared. Someone must have gummed up the works. This event has the hallmarks of 911, of total government failure, from top to bottom, allowing the attackers to hit their targets. I saw the order for the National Air Guard to stand in June of 2001, signed by Donald Rumsfeld as the executive order was leaked to me but then the PDF of the order disappeared from my computer.
The same people that made government fail on 911 are most likely behind this terrorist attack on L.A.. The arsonists themselves, are likely radical right wing Christian fundamentalists affiliated with George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the Pentagon. The bombing of the federal Murrah building in Oklahoma City exposed the Pentagon’s connection to the attack after a US Special Forces unit with Christian fundamentalist affiliations, were exposed as the perpetrators of that terrorist attack. After the first attack on the World Trade Center it was discovered that the FBI prevented an investigation into the attack, as it was being planned.
It has been my view that when the “Peace dividend” was being pushed through congress, military contractors and the Pentagon came up with the “War on terror” to bring back ever increasing defence budgets, as that’s exactly what played out in the historical record. Defence spending in the US is flirting with a trillion dollars annually, now and it was all in response to the 911 terror attacks that broke out the war on terror, that then morphed into an oil war, culminating in Israel’s recent defeat in Gaza, because the US wanted to capture the oil and gas off the coast of Gaza, to sell to Europe, replacing Russian petroleum products.
Because the bosses have lost both Israel and the Ukraine at the same time, while the world dumps US treasury bonds and use of the green back, the Christian imperialist fascists in America are turning their attention to domestic targets. If they can’t rule the world, they can finish their culture war at home and wipe out resistance domestically, as all failed imperialist attempt to do. I suspect though, the fascists have gone too far this time, with too many glaring coincidences between the Lahaina, Jasper and L.A. fires. Henry Winkler may be correct and that this was an organized arson attack.
No water in the hydrants, cancelation of home owners insurance and total municipal and state failure to initiate well established action plans for this very kind of Santa Ana wind event. Now, a suspected arsonist has been arrested. If I were the FBI director, I would toss every Christian fundamentalist home, farm and church in L.A. County. It was the FBI’s head of terrorism investigations, John O’Neil that caught Timothy McVeigh and his gaggle of Pentagon trained domestic terrorists by realizing that someone was trying too hard to make the Oklahoma City bombing look like the first WTC bombing, by renting another Ryder rental truck. Stop everyone, was then ordered by the President. I suggest stopping everyone now and searching every where for arson evidence and the perpetrators themselves. Make no assumptions of what these terrorists look like, Christian fundamentalist dress well. Simply search for factual material linking whoever to these arson events in L.A..
The US must purge Christian fundamentalists from government at every level. These domestic terrorists are behind all the vote theft leading to the stacking the supreme court with radical right wingers and their goal of turning women back into chattel and America into a Christian caliphate. A Christian fundamentalist fascist state. The Pentagon was the first American institution the Christian fascists captured and from there, were able to organize everything that has brought us to the deliberately manufactured chaos being sewn in L.A.. It’s time to take the gloves off and fight.
This is exactly how I envisioned how the Lahaina arson took place. Well healed operatives hiring economic marginals to go about on bicycles starting fires with blow torches and an accelerant. Producing an out of control wild fire that wasn’t wild after all, it was set by domesticated terrorists.
It is safe to say that climate change was not the cause of the L.A. fires. Both Democratic Party and Republican Party narratives concerning the fires, are falling apart.
It certainly seems to be arson, but it is possible start fires with direct energy from satellites, drones,and 5G towers. I concur that weather conditions with high wind and dry fuel need to be present to have fires like this.